
Politics, economy, society – the three vectors of change. The final debate of the Polish-German Round Table [WARSAW]

27 März 2012 - 27 März 2012

demosEUROPA - Centre for European Strategy invites you to a final debate of the Polish-German Round Table entitled "Politics, economy, society – the three vectors of change". The whole project is supported by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

During the conference there will be discussed about three main directions of changes in Europe, in which the key role is played by Germany. In the political sphere, far-reaching vision of deepening integration is required. In the economy, rebuilding competition, renewal of the European social model as well as the regaining of the international position are needed. Finally, considering social sphere, it is indispensable to redefine a new legitimization of the integration process together with political response to the changing social aspirations.


11:30 - 12:00 Coffee and registration

12:00 – 12:10 Welcome and introduction

Paweł Świeboda, President, demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy

12:10 – 12:55 discourse one: The politics for future integration

Wolfgang Proissl, Chief Correspondent, Financial Times Deutschland
Moderator: Krzysztof Blusz, Vice-President, demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy

12:55 – 13:40 discourse two: What economic union in the globalized world?

Arndt Kirchhoff, Chair of the Board of Small and Medium Enterprises, BDI, CEO at KIRCHHOFF Automotive Deutschland GmbH
Moderator: Ryszard Petru, Partner, PwC, Economic Advisor to demosEUROPA (tbc)

13:40 – 14:25 discourse three: Society of tomorrow. What social relations in the economic model of the future?

Professor Paul Nolte, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Moderator: dr Karolina Wigura, Sociologist, Editor, “Kultura liberalna”, Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw

14:25 Concluding remarks

The conference will be held in English only.
Participation in the event os free of charge.

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