
change - exchange - transformation. A German-Polish exchange of experience in the context of the Arab spring

28 Juli 2013 - 2 August 2013 15:00 Berlin, Europäische Akademie Berlin, Bismarckallee 46/48, 14193 Berlin

Seminar for skill development of students and young disseminators from Germany and Poland from 28 July to 2 August 2013. Held in cooperation with the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation in Warsaw and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

German and Polish experiences as well as theoretical aspects of system change, transformation and democratisation will be taken as a starting point, in order to compare the two cases, reflect on what lessons can be drawn from Europe's past and to what extent these can be applied to the recent political and social upheavals in the Arab World. Moreover, the seminar will examine German and Polish possibilities and capacities to contribute to EU efforts towards a positive outcome of the current revolutions and transformation processes. Participants will attend input presentations from relevant experts from Germany and Poland and will be given the opportunity to discuss and critically reflect upon issues with them. The seminar will make use of innovative methods for skill development such as the 'Pecha Kucha' presentation, the World Café format and a simulation in order to enhance competences, providing opportunities for networking and exchanging experience.

The seminar will be held in English.

The participation fee is 99,00 Euro per person and covers 5 nights in a double room, including board and working material during the seminar. The participation fee for participants who do not need accommodation is 69,00 Euro.

Participants from Poland might have the possibility to receive a partial refund of travel costs. If you have any further questions or need information, please do not hesitate to contact Claudia Rehrs by e-mail: cr[at]eab-berlin.eu or phone: +49 30 895951-37.

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